I See You All — Safari Arie
I see you all. I see you all the time
I know you don’t see me at all
And that’s ok. I get it
Did you know these tears are real
Around you they flow on the inside
Around me they flow on the outside
Do you not know how many tears flow
Don’t you dare ask me to give them up
Who will keep me company
How did I ever get here
I wanted to be human just like you
Did I care just too deeply that I just broke
I am so tired.
Will you give me the validation my soul so desperately cries for
Just want to sleep
Can I tell you about my constant companions
Can I tell you about my guilt and shame
They follow me around everywhere. They have never let me down
Can you handle that
They have taught me all the intimacy I need know
They are my best friends and I hate them for it
But I can always count on them
Don’t worry for I only get lonely around people
Written September 1, 2019
Originally published at https://safariarie.ca on September 1, 2019.